Good Friday to you all,

Sorry to “intrude” on your solemn meditations and worship on this Holy day. I’m just getting info out at a time between my worship services and rehearsals. When you get to this email for info is not an urgent time dependent concern. Just a few items about our May 14 concert and April 19 rehearsal.

Saturday, May 14 Concert at Fox Valley Lutheran HS auditorium

The main news hear is that our concert is now at 3:00 instead of 2:00. I could give all kinds of explanations, but that wearies me and would likely weary you as well. I hope the 3:00 pm start time still works for everyone.

Tuesday, April 19 Rehearsal

A little less sectional time, and more full band rehearsal time

WARM-UP – 6:30
Superior Band book p. 55 #1 and 56 #3 (we’ve done before) / also, chromatic scales – can’t remember the page(s) for these ( I left my book at FVL last Tuesday). I don’t think it will take too much effort to ‘hunt’ down the chromatic scale exercises.

SECTIONALS – 6:40 – 7:20
“Bond . . . James Bond” – as much as can be covered in 35-40 minutes

REHEARSAL – 7:30 – 8:30
“Bond . . . James Bond”
“Deir’ in De”
“The King of Rock N’ Roll”

Concert Program:

I think I’m pretty settled on a program order. I’ve decided to surrender my devotion to Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass, and I drop “Spanish Flea” from the program. Due to concert length, I may also drop “Komm, Süsser Tod” as well, but I would really rather keep it in. Anyway, I think the rest of our pieces would sound good in this order:

  • Aladdin
  • Highlander Regiment
  • Rhythm of the Winds
  • Deir’ in De
  • Bond . . . James Bond
  • Oriental Holiday
  • Oklahoma
  • ?? Komm, Süsser Tod ??
  • The King of Rock N’ Roll
  • The Lord of the Dance

See you Tuesday, and Happy Easter. The Lord is risen!