Good afternoon NHB,
Well, let’s see if I can “last” an entire rehearsal this week. (I’m so fragile, you know 🙂
So, for the James Bond piece, this week we’ll review what we learned and add more. Also, I’ve kind of just ‘dabbled’ with the Bach piece, but let’s do a quick check on how everyone is doing in sectional time, and we’ll definitely get to it as a whole band, finally.
WARM-UP 6:30-6:40
Superior Band book – Arpeggios – p. 46-50 / #1, 3, 5, 7, 9 – don’t forget about the repeat signs / Breath Control Exercise – p. 57 #5 (remember to play the whole page)
SECTIONALS 6:40-7:25
“Bond . . . James Bond” – Review m. 79-128 / let’s also just dig into from m. 128 – end, since we’re just a month out from the concert (here’s the sample recording link if it helps to listen –…-James-Bond/10427444.item#.YkiRIi2ZPMU
“Komm, Süsser Tod” – it’s a little hard for An and Kris to know for sure who’s got what as we work in sectionals because the score is reduced to a piano score with word cues of who plays what, but let’s just check to make sure our notes are correct and pure
REHEARSAL 7:35-8:30
The Lord of the Dance – quick review
Komm, Süsser Tod – brief/diagnostic review
Bond . . . James Bond – review m. 79 to m. 128 / continue to the end (hang in there, it will get easier in the next couple weeks)
Aladdin – diagnostic review
(if time) – King of Rock N’ Roll – diagnostic review (it went MUCH better a couple weeks ago, so I think we’re all eager to perform it)
See you Tuesday 🙂
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