Hello Musicians!
I apologize for getting this out later than usual – Tuesday came too quickly for me due to our district’s Solo and Ensemble on 2/24!  Let’s keep doing great things…
See you Tuesday, Everyone!
~ Jenny Leist
Ps. Remember to register for the next session 🙂

Quick Reminders:


This Week’s Rehearsal Notes:

Full Group – 20 minutes

  • Warm-Up: Bb Scale
  • Joy
  • Phantom (if time)
  • American River Songs

Sectionals – 55 minutes

  • American River Songs
  • Blinding Lights
  • Joy (if time)
  • Rhapsody

[BREAK – 10 minutes]

Full Group – 35 minutes

  • Rhapsody
  • Mancini


New Seating Chart:

  • 4th Tier – Percussion – 3-ish chairs
  • 3rd Tier – xylo – 8-9 chairs (2 bar, 2 tuba, 4-5 tb) – vibes
  • 2nd Tier – 8 & 7 chairs
  • 1st Tier – 7 & 7 chairs
  • Row 2 Floor – 7 & 7 chairs
  • Row 1 Floor – 7 & 6 chairs